MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus. Il dissoluto punito osia Dramma giocoso in due Atti... Ridotto per il Pianoforte da A. E. Müller...- Don Juan Oper in 2 Akten...nebst einem Anhang von später eingelegten Stücken...Pr. 3 Thlr. [KV 527].
Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel (1811). Oblong-folio. (2) lvs., 182 pp. Type-set music (no. 1487). With vignette on title (by Bolt after Killinger). Contemporary half calf (rubbed, head and foot of spine defective) with label on front board. Second edition of this vocal score (with Italian and German words). Slim margins (page numbers, head-lines and plate numbers in places touched). Slightly browned throughout (title and last leaf more intensively), outer corners finger-stained, last leaf verso stained. Otherwise only in places a few brown-stains. The last 3 lvs. with restored tears (touching music / words). Some marginal paper defects (not touching music). Köchel 7 S. 598; RISM M 4513; BSB/Mu. 4413; CPM 41/ 61.
Order no.: 422 / 350 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus
Don Juan. Oper in zwei Aufzügen ... Vollständiger Clavier-Auszug mit ital. und deutsch. Texte. Zweite verbesserte Auflage... Pr. 1 fl 18 gr.
Braunschweig, G.M. Meyer jr. (c.1840). Oblong-8vo. (1 leaf), 182 pp., (1) leaf. Engraved throughout (pl.-no. 116). Contemp. quarter calf (stained, rubbed, spine with leather defects, boards green), printed title on front boards. Second edition by Meyer, Braunschweig. Handwritten ownership entry to front fly leaf: Emma de Montigny. Slightly browned throughout, in placed brown stained. Small margins (the pagination of some leaves cut away).
Order no.: 495 / 70,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus.
[The Magic Flute]...Zauberberflöte...Fürs Clavier eingerichtet von Friedrich Eunike...Preis fl. 7 ½...
Bonn, Simrock (1793). Oblong-4to. 145 pp., (1) p. (publisher's advertisement). Engraved title with vignette (by Pflugfelder), engraved music (pl.-no. 4). Contemporary boards (rubbed, spine defective, but solid, front board with large wax stain); hand-written title. One of the earliest vocal scores of the Magic Flute printed in one vol. (after the number by number published vocal scores by Kozeluch and Artaria and the incomplete one by Hofmeister (all 1791-93). Very rare. Front free end-paper with ownership entry, title with several (identical) ones. 1 leaf reinforced at joint, slightly browned throughout, minor spotting, a few lvs. creased, otherwise clean. Köchel 6 711; RISM M 4780; Coll. Hob. 12/ 558 (unpriced title); Hirsch IV, 186; not in BSB/Mu.
Order no.: 437 / sold
Lied - Symphony for Organ. Opus 66 ... 5. Lied to the sun.
New York/London/Frankfurt, Peters 1950. Oblong-4to. Title (verso blank), 12 pp. (pag. 23 -39), (1) p. VN 6002. Title with hand-written dedication (Bien cordialement à Anton Nowakowsky), signature and date (5-10- 58). Original wrappers. Probably first edition. Wrappers pale, inside slightly browned but clean.
Order no.: 479 / reserved
plus shipping (Domestical: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Express] / EU 3,00 EUR printed matter [S], 3,45 EUR printed matter[E] /Europe 3,00 EUR printed matter [S], 3,45 EUR printed matter[E] / World 3,00 EUR printed matter [S], 3,45 EUR printed matter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[Liturgy, theology]
Gesänge des Harfners aus Wilhelm Meister, von Goethe...12tes Werk.
Vienna, Diabelli (ca. 1825).
Oblong-folio. Title, (1) p. (blank), pp. 3 - 11 pp., (1) p. (blank). Engraved throughout (plate no. D. No. 1161). From the plates of the 1st edition, new title ("Titelauflage”). Some damp-staining. Deutsch, Goethe-Lieder 12 b; coll. Hoboken 13, 67.
Order no.: 409 / 750,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
An Schwager Kronos. An Mignon. Ganymed. 19tes Werk
Vienna, Diabelli (1825).
Oblong-folio. Title, pp. 2 - 19, (1) p. (blank). Engraved throughout (pl.-no. D. et C. No. 1800).
1st edition.
1 leaf water-stained, last leaf soiled, light damp-staining. Deutsch, Goethe Lieder, 19a; coll. Hoboken 13, 89.
Order no.: 408 / 1200,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 7,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
Der Wanderer von Schmidt v: Lübeck. Morgenlied von Werner. - Wandrers Nachtlied von Goethe; für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Piano-Forte, in Musik gesetzt, und Sr. Excellenz...Johann Ladislav Pyrker v. Felsö-Eö tiefer Ehrfurcht gewidmet. 4tes Werk (= D 489, 685, 224).
Vienna, Cappi und Diabelli (ca. 1822).
Oblong-Folio. Title, pp. 2-11, (1) p. (blank). Engraved throughout; pl.-no.: C. et D. N°. 773.
"Titelauflage" of the first edition.; rare.
Slightly browned, water- and finger-stained. Deutsch, Goethe-Lieder 4b; coll. Hoboken 13, 23. Not in BSB, CPM and Hirsch.
Die Rose (.) Gedicht von Fried (rich) Schlegel. In Musik gesetzt für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte...73tes Werk...Pr. 30x C.M. (= D 745).
Vienna, Diabelli u. Comp. (1827).
Oblong-Folio. Title, (2) pp. (blank), pp. 4 - 7, (1) p. (blank). Engraved throughout; pl.-no.: C. et D. N°. 2490. Vignette on title (rose).
First separate edition of the first version; copy without advertisement (c.f. Hirsch and Hoboken). In 1822 the first edition has been published as a supplement in "Wiener Zeitschrift für Kunst, Literatur, Theater und Mode".
Ownership entry on title ("Caroli Wagner"); slightly browned throughout, outer margins in places with finger-stains. Deutsch (Verzeichnis) p. 448; Hirsch IV, 552; coll. Hoboken 13, 307.
Order no.: 458 / 550,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
Schäfers Klagelied. Heidenröslein. Jägers Abendlied. Meeres Stille von Goethe. Für eine Singstimme in Begleitung des Piano-Forte in Musik gesetzt, und dem Wohlgebohrnen Herrn Herrn Ignaz Edlen von Mosel (,) k: k: wirkl: Hofrath und Vice-Direktor der k: k: Hoftheater, hochachtungsvoll gewidmet ... 3tes Werk. Pr: 1 f. 30 x W.W. / 45 x. C.M. [= D 121, 257, 368, 216].
Vienna, Cappi und Diabelli (1822 or 1823).
Oblong-Folio. Title (1) p. (blank), pp. 3 - 11, (1) p. (blank). Engraved throughout; pl.-no.: C. et D. N°. 768.
1st "Titelauflage" of the first edition in the first version. According to Deutsch "Schäfers Klagelied" was the first lied by Schubert which was performed publicly (Verzeichnis p. 86).
Ownership entry on title ("Amélie Benz...."). Slightly browned throughout, outer margins in places with finger-stains, some water-marking.
Deutsch (Goethe-Lieder) 3b; coll. Hoboken 13, 18.
Order no.: 459 / sold
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
Kinderszenen. Leichte Stücke für das Pianoforte. Op. 15. Pr. 25 Ngr.
Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel (after 1842). Folio. 20 pp. Engraved music (pl.-no. 6016), lithographic title. Each page surrounded by a green ornamental border. Unbound. Second "Titelauflage" of the first edition. Some browning. One leaf with long tear (restored), marginal paper defects. Last leaf reinforced at joint. A well margined copy. Hofmann p. 41; coll. Hoboken 15, 29 (copy with publisher's advertisement).
Order no.: 451 / verkauft
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
TARTINI, Giuseppe
Sonate a violino e violoncello o cimbalo, dedicate a Sua Eccellenza il Signor Girolamo Ascanio Giustiniani…Opera prima. Prix 12 fl. Gravé par le Sr. Hue.
Paris, Le Cerc / Boivin (ca. 1740).
Folio. (1) leaf (title, verso advertisements), 57 pp. (p. 6 and 12 blank), (1) p. (blank). Engraved throughout, no plate-number.
Modern half vellum (slightly stained).
Full score. Reimpression of the first complete edition (LeCène 1734).
This op. 1 containes 12 sonatas and 1 pastorale. Particularly the sonata no. 10 ("Didone abbandonata") became very famous. Some browning and staining throughout, an increasing brown-stain on lower outer corner to the leaves beginning with p. 43. A scarce edition.
Brainard p. XXXVI; RISM T 245 (2 copies only including that one in the collection Hirsch); Hirsch III, 535.
Order no.: 1016 / 950,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[Violin music, Baroque]
[Opera, vocal scores]