Pot-Pourri Nr. 2
No printer, no place, 1781 8vo. (1) leaf, pp. 61 - 122. Modern half vellum. A political booklet from the pre-revolutionary France. Ex libris. Slightly browned throughout, minor stained; marginal paper defects to last leaf (restored); uncut copy.
Order no.: 702 / 150,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
ARIOSTO, Lodovico
Orlando furioso. Tomo Primo ( - Quarto).
Paris, Plassan 1796 (vol. 1) / 1795 (vols. 2-4). 4°. LXXIX pp., (1) p. (blank), 360 pp. + 25 unnumb. lvs.; 452 pp. + 22 unnumb. lvs.; 448 ss. + 24 unnumb. lvs; 452 pp. + 22 unnumb. lvs. With frontispiece and 92 plates, all engraved. Contemporary leather (joints, edges and corners rubbed, 2 spines with small tears, boards rubbed), spine gilt, 2 spine labels. A rare edition.
- The frontispiece and 46 illustrations are from the Baskerville-edition in 1773 and they are engraved after Cochin, Monnet, Cipriani, Eisen, Moreau jr. More 46 engravings (after Cochin as well) are from the edition Brunet 1775-83 (with French text). Particularly the first 2 vols. contain numerous plates "avant la lettre". Ex-libris. Slightly browned (vol. 2 and some lvs. more intensively), in places minor stained. A fine copy. Agnelli / R. S. 211 (only with 47 plates); PCCBI 6. 4474; NUC 20, 495 (4 copies), Graesse I, 200; not with Ray, Cohen / Ricci, Fürstenberg, Lewine and Sander.
Order no.: 259 / 2500,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
Rapport Sur l'assassinat de Collot-D'Her -bois, Représentant du peuple, lu a la Convention Nationale, au nom du Comité de Salut Public ... Reflexions des citoyens Couthon et Collot - D'Herbois sur le même objet. Séance du 4 prairial, l'an second de la République une et indivisible.
(Paris), l'Imprimerie Nationale (1794). 8vo. 23 pp. Modern half vellum. First edition. A treatise on prosecution of a assassination attempt on Collot-d'Herbois' life by the Revolutionary Court in Paris. Ex-libris. Visiblly reinforced at joints, restored tear to last leaf (text not touched). Slightly browned throughout, otherwise clean.
Order no.: 705 / 100,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
Die Märchen...Zum Besten der Armen nach dem letzten Willen des Verfassers herausgegeben von Guido Görres. Erster ( - Zweiter) Band.
Stuttgart und Tübingen, Cotta 1846 - 47. Two vols. 8vo. LVIII pp., (1) leaf (half title), 493 pp., (1) p. (blank); 608 pp. (= lacking title and 1 leaf "Inhalt" of vol. 2). Contemporary half calf (rubbed; corners, edges front board vol 2 with defects, front joint vol. 2 with tear, spine vol 1 defective) with hand-written spine-label. First edition. Preface vol. 1 with 4 Brentano letters in first edition. Title vol 1 with two library stamps. Some leaves with damp-staining, otherwise clean. Goed. VI, 62, 46; Mallon (Cl. Brentano) 155 and 163; Borst 2198; Brieger 249; Wilp./G. 2 31.
Order no.: 203 / 400,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
BUCHLER (Buchlerus, Büchler), Johannes
Thesaurus conscribendarum epistolarum es variis optimisque authoribus desumptus …
Vienna, J.C. Ludwig 1734.
12mo. (2) lvs., 418, (10) pp. Engraved frontispiece.
Contemp. vellum (darkened, a little bit soiled, remains of paper labels on rear boards); handwritten title on spine (pale).
The author lived between 1570 and 1640 in Gladbach near Jülich. His collection of pattern letters became a often published aid for written communication.
Title printed red and black and with an old ownership note (Salem monastery). Slightly browned throughout, in places a little bit stained.
ADB 3, p. 483 - 485.
Order no.: 711 / 200,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[Pattern letters]
CAESAR, Gaius Julius.
Commentarii de bello gallico et civili etc. Cum fragmentis et indice historico et geographico.
Leipzig, Tauchnitius 1844. 16°. (1) leaf, 554 pp. Contemp. half cloth (heavily rubbed, defective). Title with three stamps, front fly-leaf with stamps and registration number, rear fly-leaf with stamp. C. 20 lvs. with ink-stain, otherwise minor stained and clean.
Order no.: 204 / 25,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestical: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Express] / EU 3,00 EUR printed matter [S], 3,45 EUR printed matter[E] /Europe 3,00 EUR printed matter [S], 3,45 EUR printed matter[E] / World 3,00 EUR printed matter [S], 3,45 EUR printed matter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
CHEMNITZ, Johann Hieronymus
Ausführliche Abhandlung von den Linksschnecken oder von den verkehrtgewundenen Conchylien, welche gegen die Gewohnheit aller übrigen ihre Mundöffnung nicht auf der rechten, sondern auf der linken Seite haben...Mit vierzehn nach der Natur gemalten und durch lebendige Farben erleuchteten Kupfertafeln.
Nürnberg, Raspe 1786. Gr.- 4to. (16), 151 pp., (1) p. (blank). Engraved portrait, 3 vignettes (1 with colouring), 14 engraved tables with colouring, numbered 103-116 (not included into the pagination). 19th century half calf (slightly rubbed), gilt-stamped spine label. First edition. It represents vol. 9.1 of „Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet..." by F.W.H Martini, continued by J.H. Chemnitz, G.H. Schubert und J.A. Wagner, printed in first edition between 1768 and 1829 and containing all over all 12 vols. An important book on conches. Front fly-leaf removed, front paste-down with handwritten entries and remains of an ex-libris. Ownership initials on title, restord paper defect to margins of two leaves (not affecting text). The engravings in a perfect status of preservation, otherwise slightly browned and stained. Nissen ZBI 2722
Order no.: 287 / sold
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
CHEMNITZ, Johann Hieronymus
Abhandlungen von den Land- und Flussschnecken oder solchen Conchylien, welche nicht im Meere sondern auf der Erde und in süssen Wassern zu leben pflegen...Mit zwanzig nach der Natur gemalten und durch lebendige Farben erleuchteten Kupfertafeln.
Nürnberg, Raspe 1786. Gr.- 4to. XXVI, 194 pp. Two engraved vignettes and 20 engraved plates with coloring (numbered 117 - 136; not included into the pagination). 19th century half calf (slightly rubbed), gilt-stamped spine label. First edition. It represents vol. 9.2 of „Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet..." by F.W.H Martini, continued by J.H. Chemnitz, G.H. Schubert und J.A. Wagner, printed in first edition between 1768 and 1829 and containing all over all 12 vols. An important book on conches. Front fly-leaf removed, front paste-down with handwritten entries and remains of an ex-libris. Ownership initials on title, restord paper defect to margins of two leaves (not affecting text). The engravings in a perfect status of preservation, otherwise slightly browned and stained. Nissen ZBI 2722 [Illustrated books, Conchylia]
Order no.: 288 / sold
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
(CICERO, Marcus Tullius
Epistolae ad familiares libri sedecim …)
(Augsburg, Matthis Wolff, early 18th century)
12mo. 751 pp., (1) p. (blank). Lacking title leaf.
Contemp. leather (rubbed, bottom of the spine defective) with uncluttered blind-stamping, 1 intact clasp and a defective one.
Due to the lacking title page it is impossible to define the edition more precisely.
Ownership note on rear free endpaper, front free endpaper lacking. Moderately browned throughout, some staining.
Neither in Schweiger nor in Ebert.
Order no.: 713 / 80,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
CICERO, M(arcus) T(ullius)
Epistolae ad familiares Oder: Ciceronis Briefe, die er An unterschiedene gute Freunde geschrieben, Zu mehreren Nutzen der studierenden Jugend mit deutschen Anmerkungen also erläutert… neue verbesserte Auflage …
Nuremberg / Vienna, Krauß 1760.
8vo. (7) lvs., 740 pp., (61) lvs. Without the engraved frontispiece.
Contemp. blind-tooled pigskin (darkened, slightly rubbed), handwritten author’s name on spine, 2 clasps.
Lacking front free endpaper, the rear one covered with extensive annotations. Moderately browned throughout, slightly (in places heavily) stained.
Not in Schweiger.
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
Mémoire pour Les sieurs Vaucher, Horloger, et Loque Bijoutier, Accusateurs; contre Le Sieur Bette d'Etienville, le Baron de Fages-Chaulnes, et autres Accusés; En présence de Monsieur le Procurateur-Général.
N. pl., n. pr. 1786. 8vo. 96 pp. Small woodcut vignette. Modern half vellum. First edition. One of the numerous publications referring to the so-called necklace affair of Marie-Antoinette. Somewhat staining, otherwise clean. Printed on thick paper, uncut copy. Not in Conlon.
Order no.: 703 / 150,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
EICHENDORFF, Joseph Freiherr von.
Dichter und ihre Gesellen. Novelle...
Berlin, Duncker and Humblot 1834. 8vo. (2) lvs., 380 pp. Contemporary half cloth (rubbed, spine pale), spine gilt. First edition. Title with ownership inscription. Slightly browned, a clean copy. Goed. VIII, 189, 23; Borst 1710; 417; Wilp./G. 2 9.
Order no.: 205 / 900,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
EICHENDORFF, Joseph Freiherr von.
Berlin, Duncker and Humblot 1837. 8vo. XII, 482 pp., (1) leaf. Contemporary boards (rubbed), spine gilt. First edition. In places with brown-stains, 3 lvs. water-marked, throughout slightly browned. Goed. VIII, 190, 29; Borst 1828; Brieger 420; Wilp./G. 2 10.
Order no.: 206 / 1700,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
EULER, Leonard.
Élémens d’algebre. Traduits de l’Allemand (par D. Bernoulli), avec des notes et des additions. Tome premier ( - seconde). 2 vols.
Lyon und Paris, Bruyset und Desaint 1774.
8vo. XVI, 704 pp.; (2) lvs., 664 pp., (2) lvs.
Contemporary calf (rubbed [particularly edges, corners, head and foot of spine, head of spine defective, joints a little broken).
First French edition; very rare.
First time at all this work appeared in Russian (in 1768), then in German (in 1771). This French version formed the basis for the first translation into English.
Sotheran about Euler’s algebra: „The first volume treats of determinate algebra. This contains one of the earliest attempts to place the fundamental processes on a scientific basis. The work also includes the proof of the binomial theorem for an unrestricted index. The second volume treats of indeterminate or Diophantine algebra. This contains of solution of some of the problems proposed by Fermat, which had withero remained unsolved.”
Title with ownership inscription. Quire Pp (vol. II) bound in twice. Some browning throughout and soiling, in places handwritten marginalia. P. 585 /vol. I with a lateral mounted leaf with annotations.
Sotheran 1247 and 7684. Not in Roller/G.
Order no.: 283 / sold
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[Mathematics, old sciences]
FICHTE, Johann Gottlieb.
Reden an die deutschen Nation.
Berlin, Realschulbuchhandlung 1808. 8°. 490 pp., (2) lvs. (last blank). New leather. First edition of one of the most important publication on politics by Fichte. Title with library label and browned, otherwise slightly browned and clean. Goed. V, 8, 18 ; Borst 1068 ; Meyer (Fichte) 203; Baumg./J. 66x; Brieger 470; Neufforge 559.
Order no.: 208 / 500,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
FREUD, Sigm (und)
Zur Kenntniss (!) der cerebralen Diplegien des Kindesalters (im Anschluss an die Little'sche Krankheit). (= Beiträge zur Kinderheilkunde aus dem I. öffentlichen Kinder-Krankeninstitute in Wien. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Max Kassowitz. Neue Folge III.).
Leipzig / Wien, Deuticke 1893.
8vo. (3) lvs., 168 pp. 2 folded tables.
Contemporary half cloth (slightly rubbed), gilt stamped title on spine.
First edition of Freud's early writing on cerebral paralysis of children.
2 stamps on title, very light browning, otherwise clean. Grienstein (Freud) 25; Meyer-P./Fichtner 1893 b.
Order no.: 298 /1100,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[Freudiana, first editions, pre-psychoanaly
FREUD, Sigm(und).
Die Frage der Laienanalyse. Unterredungen mit einem Unparteiischen.
Vienna/Leipzig/Zürich, Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag 1926. Sm.-8vo. 123 pp., (1) p. (blank), (7) pp. (advertisements), (1) p. (blank). Contemporary yellow cloth with blue letters (stained, a long tear to rear hinge, head and foot of spine rubbed). First edition. Front fly-leaf with number and datum in ink. A few leaves defective at outer edge, book-block a little loose. Slightly browned throughout, p. 6 and 7 with a rectangular brown-stain, otherwise clean. Grinstein 107; Meyer-P./Fichtner 1926 e.
Order no.: 293 / 70,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
Freud, Sigm(und).
Studien zur Psychoanalyse der Neurosen aus den Jahren 1913-1925.
Vienna/Leipzig/Zürich, Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag 1926. Tall-8vo. 219 pp., (1) p. (blank), (1) p. (Contents), (1) p. (advertisements), (1) p. (blank). Contemporary blue lettered yellow cloth (stained, letters somewhat rubbed). Sammelband with 16 treatises on neurosis by Freud, mostly published first time in the „Internationale Zeitschrift für ärztliche Psychoanalyse" and in „Imago". Without front fly-leaf. Title with loss of paper to lower margin (not affecting text) and with ownership stamp. Slightly browned throughout, otherwise clean.
Order no.: 294 / 90,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
GELLERT, Christian Fürchtegott.
Moralische Vorlesungen. Erster ( and: Zweyter) Band.
Leipzig, Weidmann/Reich 1770. 8vo. XXXVIII, 358 pp., (3) ll., pp. 361-650. (Bound with:) GELLERT, Christian Fürchtegott: Anhang zu einer Sammlung vermischter Schriften. Leipzig, Weidmann/Reich 1769. 8vo. 68 pp. Contemporary calf (rubbed). Two first editions. Some damp-staining. Borst 208 and 195.
Order no.: 209 / 250,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang.
Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre oder Die Entsagenden. Ein Roman... Erster Teil ( = all published).
Stuttgard(!) and Tübingen, Cotta 1821. 8vo. (4) lvs., 550 pp. Contemporary boards (rubbed) with spine label. First issue of the first version of Goethe's important second novel on Wilhelm Meister. Slightly browned throughout, in places brown-stains, otherwise clean. Goed. IV 3, 434; Kippenberg I 402; Hagen 425; Brieger 730; Borst 1359; Wilp./G. 2 121. l.
Order no.: 210 / 1300,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang
Jery und Bätely. Ein Singspiel. Ächte Ausgabe.
Leipzig, Göschen 1790. 8° . Title, 56 pp. Modern leather. Hagen 205. First separate edition, in the variant "Sm" (see Hagen). Lightly browned.
Order no.: 212 / 200,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von.
Versuch über die Metamorphose der Pflanzen. Übersetzt von Friedrich Soret, nebst geschichtlichen Nachträgen. - Essai sur la métamorphose des plantes...
Stuttgart, Cotta 1831. 8°. (2) ll., 239 pp, (1) p. Later half calf, original wrappers preserved and bound in. Spine gilt and spine label. First edition of the expanded and definite text, first French edition. The following work first published in 1790 without additions undoubtedly counts as one of Goethe's most important scientific works. Again and again, as here, he is interested in proving the organic nature of all natural phenomena and development as a process. Thus, Goethe opposed the ideas of the well-regarded Linné and his relatively static ideas on botanical classification based on Determination and proposed, that it was the plants ?bestowed with a particular tenacity, a fortunate mobility ..., in so many different environments ... to adapt and then to shape and to reshape." Neufforge described the "Metamorphosen" so: ?Besides Goethe's anatomical works, it is the work that allows the deepest insight into his ideas regarding the manner and future of Nature and places him as one of the precursors of Darwin." (S. 511). In the first of the "Nachträge und Zusätze" the author himself describes how he came to be a botanist and expresses clearly how influential the journey to Italy from 1786 was for him and with regard to his idea of an ?original plant". The second part of the additions is an unmistakable testimonial to the reserved reception that Goethe's work had received. Partly for this reason he sought an alternative way to formulate his thoughts, and wrote the Elegy ?Metamorphose der Pflanzen", which was first published in the Schiller Musenalmanach of 1799 ("Dich verwirret, Geliebte ..."). Some damp-staining, the binding is very decorative. Goed. IV 3, 577,3; Hagen 214; Kippenberg I, 814; not with Borst, Brieger und Wilp.-G.
Order no.: 213 / 2000,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
(HACKMANN, Friedrich August [Hg.])
Reineke de Vos mit dem Koker...
Verlegt van Frytag Boeckhändler in Wulffenbüttel 1711. Gr.-8vo. (10) lvs., 380 pp. With engraved frontispiece, 2 small woodcuts and vignettes. Contemporary half calf (slightly rubbed, head and foot of spine restored), spine label. First edition, rare. Gottsched used this edition which was made after the imprint Luebeck 1498 for his translation of Reineke the Fox. An appendix contains a collection of ethics rules in alphabetical order by H. Bote ("koker" = quiver). Front paste-down with ownership entry, small entry on title, otherwise slightly browned but clean. A well preserved copy. Goed. I, 483, 18; Menke p. 275/6.
HAGEDORN, Friedrich von: Moralische Gedichte.
Hamburg, Bohn 1750.
8vo. (12) lvs., 208 pp. First edition of this collection. (BOUND WITH:) (ANONYMOUS): Die glückliche Eifersucht. Ein Schäferspiel in fünf Aufzügen. Jena, Schulze 1747. 8°. (4) lvs., 136 pp. First edition. (BOUND WITH:) (KLEIN, Friedrich): Versuch in zärtlichen Gedichten von F**. Rostock, Kopp 1746. 8°. (5) lvs., 115 pp., (1) p. Only edition. Contemporary boards (rubbed). A "Sammelband" with anacreontic works. Without fly-leaves. 1st and 2nd title with ownership entry. 2nd title with paper defect to lower corner (loss of a few letters restored by hand), lvs. *3 and *4 of the anonymous text with paper defects to margins (loss of a few letters) and a defect caused by erasing (loss of 1 letter), last 2 lvs. with marginal defects (not touching text). 3rd title trimmed by the binder (loss of a very small portion of text / illustration), 1 leaf of the last text with loss of paper to corner (not affecting text). Slightly browned throughout, 2 titles and a few leaves stained otherwise in places slightly finger-marked. I: Goed. IV 1, 28, 38); Borst 17; Brieger 878; Wilp.-G. ²30. II: Goed. IV 1, 151, 47a. III: Goed. IV 1, 106, 3, 1).
Order no.: 215 / 250,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
HEBBEL, Friedrich.
Herodes und Mariamne. Eine Tragödie in fünf Acten.
Vienna, Gerold 1850. 8vo. 202 pp., 1 leaf. New half cloth (the original wrappers preserved and bound in). First edition. Minor stained. Wütschke 30.
Order no.: 218 / 110,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
HEBBEL, Friedrich.
Genoveva. Eine Tragödie in fünf Acten.
Hamburg, Hoffmann & Campe 1843. 8vo. 3 lvs., 234 pp. Later cloth (stained). Wütschke 21. First edition. First and last leaves a little browned.
Order no.: 217 / 90,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
HERDER, Johann Gottfried:
Gedichte. Erster ( - Zweyter) Teil
Stuttgart /Tübingen, Cotta 1817. 8vo. XIV pp. (of XVI: lacking half title), 360 pp.; XII, 284 pp. . Contemporary half calf (the vols. differently bound, rubbed). Goed. IV 1, 736, 113. Fischer (Cotta) 1089). A good copy.
Order no.: 220 / 140,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
Seltsame Leiden eines Theater-Direktors.
Berlin, Maurer 1819
8vo. VI, 266 pp. Contemporary half calf (rubbed, head of spine and 1 hinge a little defective). First edition. Dedication copy from Hoffmann's cirle of friends (by the actor J.G.C. Weiss to his colleague A. Herzfeld). Well preserved. Borst 1317.
Order no.:222 / 980,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
(HOLBACH, Paul Henri Thiry, Baron de).
Éthocratie ou le gouvernement fondé sur la morale...
Amsterdam, M. M. Rey 1776. 8vo. (6) lvs., 293 pp., (2) pp. (Table), (1) p. (Errata [Vercruysse: « qui en fait l'édition originale »]). Contemporary wrappers (defective, without spine). In a modern box. First edition, issue in 8vo (an other issue appeared in 4to). "Holbach argues in this work, that the 'Social pact' (between individual and the state) itself is based on the useful services that the individual and society are able to render to one another, and it remains valid only to the extent that its mutually beneficial aims are fulfilled" (Encycl. of philosophy). Uncut copy, somewhat loose, damp-staining and humidity to first four leaves with a long marginal tear (on 3rd leaf touching text), small hole (due to humidity) to half-title. Vercruysse 1776, A 3; Tchemerzine VI, 247; INED 2285; Colon 1776: 1090 (issue in 4°).
Order no.: 256 / 1000,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
JACOBI, J.G. - HEINSE, J.J.W (ed.)
Iris. Vierteljahresschrift für Frauenzimmer
Düsseldorf and Berlin, Haude & Spener 1774 - 1776. 8 parts in 8 vols.(=all published). 8vo. (9) lvs. (of 16 = without end of "Beylage" [supplement] and without part of subscribers' list), 80, 88, 110, (2) pp.; 263 pp., (1) p. (lacking the two plates with music [see Hagen]); 239 pp, (1) p.; (1) leaf, 272 pp.; (4) lvs., 252, (2) pp.; (2) lvs., p. (253)-480, 2 plates with music (fold);(3) lvs., p. 481-724; (2) lvs., p. (725)- 961, (3) pp. Contemporary uniform red boards (edges, corners and hinges defective, head and foot of spines too). 7 vols with gilt spine label, 1 with handwritten title on spine, 4 vols. with handwritten shelf number on spine. All vols in first edition. One of the most important German periodicals in the "Sturm und Drang" containing many pieces of literature in first edition: Poems by Goethe such as: "Mayfest", "An Belinden", "Neue Liebe, neues Leben", "Mir schlug das Herz" (=first version of "Willkommen und Abschied"), the play "Erwin und Elmire"; by J.M.R. Lenz: "Ossian fürs Frauenzimmer" and poems, by Fr.H. Jacobi the beginning of "Eduard Allwills Briefsammlung", translations by Heinse (parts of Tasso and Ariosto), by Sophie v. La Roche "Freundschaftliche Briefe an eine Freundin" and poems by A.L. Karsch, Gleim, Maler Müller, C.L.von Klencke u.a. In addition to that one of the earliest review of Goethe's "Leiden des jungen Werthers" and more. Vol.1 with entries on end-paper and fly-leaf, all vols. with library stamp on half-title verso. Vols. 1 - 4 on thick paper and fresh, vols. 5 - 8 slightly browned and stained, vol.5 more heavily. Provenance: Court library Donaueschingen. Goed. IV 1, 670, 40; IV 3, 91,10 und 127, 108-111a; Meyer (Goethe) 71,76, 83, 99, 112, 121, 125, 136; Kippenberg 484; Hagen 535 und 546; Kirchner 6478; Diesch 1042.
JACOBI, Friedrich Heinrich
Ueber die Lehre des Spinoza in Briefen an den Herrn Moses Mendelssohn.
Breslau, Löwe 1785. 8vo. (4) lvs., 215 pp. + (2) lvs., (1) p. With two unnumbered bi-folios containing the poems "Edel sei der Mensch/Hülfreich und gut" and "Prometheus" by Goethe in first edition (the publication was not authorised by the author!). Early 19th century half leather (spine and hinges rubbed, boards with small leather defects). First edition, first issue (see note p. 11/Hagen 577). This book is the beginning of the so-called "Spinozism-debate" between Jacobi, Mendelssohn on Lessing's and Goethe's "Spinozism". The poem "Prometheus" - unpublished due to his provocative contents - was added by Jacobi without author's name but "Edel sei der Mensch..." disclosed the author (of both poems). Goethe first reacted not amused later he agreed to the publication. Title finger-stained 2 lvs with under-linings with coloured pencil. Otherwise slightly browned and clean. Goed. IV 3, 247, 11); Kippenberg I, 590; Hagen 577; Houben (Goethe) S. 25 ff.; Borst 502; Brieger 1179; Wilp./G. 2 6.
Order no.: 275 / 2400 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
JEAN PAUL (= Johann Paul Friedrich RICHTER).
Biographische Belustigungen unter der Gehirnschale einer Riesin. Erstes Bändchen (= all published).
Berlin, Matzdorff 1796. 8vo. VI, 266, (2) pp. Engraved title with vignette. First edition. Modern half calf, spine label. Mostly uncut. Slightly browned throughout, the outer margins more intensively, a few lvs. water-marked. Behrend/K. 6.
Order no.: 224 / reserved
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
JEAN PAUL ( i.e. Johann Paul Friedrich Richter).
Stuttgart und Tübingen, Cotta 1814. 8vo. XX, 379 pp., 1 p. (BOUND WITH:) JEAN PAUL: Politische Fastenpredigten während Deutschlands Marterwoche. Stuttgart und Tübingen, Cotta 1817. 8vo. XVI, 264 pp. Contemporary boars (rubbed). Two first editions. A clean copy. Behrend-Kr. 28 and 30.
Order no.: 225 / 250,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
JEAN PAUL ( i.e. Johann Paul Friedrich Richter).
Titan. (And:) Komischer Anhang zum Titan.
Berlin, Matzdorff 1800-1803. 6 parts in 4 vols. With 4 engraved titles. 8vo. I: Engraved title, (5) lvs., 516 pp., (1) leaf. Anhang I: Title, VIII, 141 pp., 1 p. II: Engr. title, (1) leaf, 200 pp. Anhang II: Title, p. 3-34, half title, p. 37-216, (1) leaf. III: Engr. title, (2) lvs., 430 pp., (1) leaf. IV: Engr. title, (2) lvs., 571 pp., (1) leaf.
Complete in first edition, first issue. Modern boards in a contemporary style. Some browning and damp-staining. Berend/Krogoll 13a and 14.
Order no.: 226 / 550,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
JEAN PAUL ( i.e. Johann Paul Friedrich Richter).
Vorschule der Aesthetik, nebst einigen Vorlesungen. Erste (- Dritte) Abtheilung.
Hamburg, Perthes 1804. Three vols. 8vo. XXX, 256 pp.; title, pp. 257-542; title, pp (543)-758. Contemporary boards (rubbed, spines a little defective). First edition of Jean Paul's main work on theory of literature. Minor staining and browning. Behrend-Kr. 18a.
Order no.: 227 / 450,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
(Emperor JOSEPH I.)
Ordentliches Diarium Oder Kurtze und eigentliche Vorstellung aller hohen Verrichtungen, Ceremonien und Festivitäten, Welche nicht nur bey der Crönung der nunmehro verwittibten Allerdurchlauchtigsten, Großmächtigsten Römischen Kayserin Eleonorae als auch Vor- in und nach der Wahl und Crönung des gleichfals Allerdurchlauchtigsten, Großmächtigsten Römischen Königs Josephi, anjetzo Glorwürdigster Gedächtnuß zu Augspurg im Jahr 1689. und 1690. von Tag zu Tag sich merckwürdig begeben und zugetragen haben.
Frankfurt, n. pr., 1711. 8vo. Title, 70 pp. Modern half vellum. First edition. Ex-libris. Ownership entry on title, slim lower margin (date of printing touched); browned throughout, otherwise clean. Not in GV.
Order no.: 701 / 750,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
Klopstock, (Friedrich Gottlieb).
Die deutsche Gelehrtenrepublik. Ihre Einrichtung. Ihre Geseze. Geschichte des lezten Landtags. Auf Befehl der Aldermänner durch Salogast und Wlemar... Erster Theil (=alles Erschienene).
Hamburg (im Selbstverlag), gedruckt bey J.J.C. Bode. 1774. Gr.-8vo. (1) leaf, 448, 70 pp. ("Nachricht von der Subscription", "Verzeichnis der Subscribenten"). Contemporary provisional boards, spine label. Slip case. First edition. An extremely rare copy: One of the 8 leaves Klopstock changed during the process of printing remained in the original status (T8 = p.303/304). Sudhoff (Philobiblon XII,H3/1968) knows 1 copy only without any changed leaf and 2 copiey only with 1 leaf in the original status (see also. Boghardt/Schmidt p. 808). Slightly browned throughout, a few leaves water-marked to inner margin, otherwise well preserved. Goed. IV 1, 175,39; Boghardt/Schmidt 3153; Brieger 1440; Borst 288; Wilp./G.2 29.
Order no.: 276 / 2500,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
KRÜGER, Johann Gottlob.
Anmerckungen über des Freyherrn und Cantzlers von Wolff Geometrie zum Gebrauch seiner Zuhörer entworfen.
Halle, Hemmerde 1747. 8vo. (8) lvs., 144 pp. With 4 folding plates. (BOUND WITH:) KRÜGER, Johann Gottlob: Gedancken von der Algebra, nebst den Primzahlen von 1 bis 1000000. Halle, Lüderwalds Buchhandlung 1746. 8vo. (4) lvs., 124 pp, 47 pp. (prime tables). Contemporary boards (rubbed, stained). Two first editions, both very rare.5 leaves loose, throughout with browning and water-staining. Poggendorff I, 1322/23.
Order no.: 228 / 250,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
LAVATER, Johann Kaspar.
Herzenserleichterungen, oder Verschiedenes an Verschiedene.
St. Gallen, Reutinger jr. 1784. 16°. 376 pp., 2 lvs. Original interim wrappers with typographical ornament and advertisements (very rare!); spine defective. Goed. IV 1, 269, 46;760. First edition. Uncut, minor water-staining.
Order no..: 229 / 200,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
LESSING, Gotthold Ephraim.
Theatralische Bibliothek. Erstes (-Viertes) Stück (= complete).
Berlin, Chr. Fr. Voß 1754-1758. Two vols. 8vo. (8) lvs., 291 pp., (1) leaf; 312 pp.., (2) lvs.; 298 pp., (1) leaf. With 6 engravings (2 portraits). Contemporary boards (heavily rubbed). First edition. Thus complete very rare. Minor browning. A complete edition including all parts. Goed. IV 1, 368,60; Muncker 361, 363, 369, 379.
Order no.: 231 / 450,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[German literature, Enlightenment, first editions]
MANN, Thomas
Goethe und Tolstoi.
Aachen, Verlag "Die Kuppel" Karl Spietz 1923. Gr.-8vo. 48 pp. Original boards (with stains). Bürgin I, 23. First separate edition. Minor staining.
Order no.: 232 / 90,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[German literature, first editions]
(MONTESQUIEU, Charles - Louis de S.)
Le Temple de Gnide(.) Nouvelle Edition, Avec Figures Gravées par N. Le Mire, des Acad. de Vienne en Autriche et de Rouen, D'après les Deßins de Ch. Eisen. Le Text Gravé par Drouet...
Paris, Le Mire 1772. Gr.-8vo. (3) lvs., 7 pp., (1) p. (blank), 104 pp. + (16) lvs. With 16 engraved plates, frontispiece, title and 1 headpiece, engraved as well, all by Le Mire after Eisen. Text engraved throughout by Drouet. 19th century brown morocco (front boards with a light stain). First edition with these illustrations. The prose work "Le Temple de Gnide", one of Montesquieu's early works, takes as substance a mythological story and presents it as fiction as a new translation. The author himself described this short text "Céphise" as being an appendix to the "Temple", and it can be found at the end of this copy. Eisen's illustrations (besides frontispiece and title, one to each of the 7 parts of the "Temple" and 2 of "Céphise") are considered the best that he ever executed (Lewine: "In the plates artist and engraver both appear at their best". Ray: "With regard to suavity and grace Eisen never surpassed these plates"). According to Cohen / R.. and others they are in various conditions: in our copy each has been printed as normal and includes text and numbers, and additionally for each of the 7 parts a plate without text and numbers has been bound in (giving a total of 16 copper plates). The latter are evidently very rare proof copies (Lewine: "The unlettered proofs are worth a fancy price, still more so the etchings, which are excessively rare") on a different (thicker) paper. In addition - perhaps to achieve a much better picture quality in the case that they might be offered as individual prints – the unprinted side has been passed over a blank plate, which has produced an elevated plate edge. Comparing the lettered and the unlettered copies it is to realize that the first one has been a little bit altered after the proof (the arrangement of the folds of Venus’ robe). On the second illustration of "Céphise" one finds two different signatures, which on our copy are : „La chaleur va les faire renaître...“. „Suivant Cohen, c’est cette dernière qu’il faut préférer“ (Tchémerzine). In places a few stains, the paper of the unlettered proofs slightly browned; a very clean copy. Cohen / R. 726/7; Tchémerzine VIII, 455; Brunet III, 1860; Lewine 367; Ray I, 32; Fürstenberg S. 282/3.
Order no. 233 / reserved
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[French literature, illustrated books]
PHILIPPI, Ferdinand (ed.)
Merkur. Mittheilungen aus Vorräthen der Heimath und der Fremde, für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Leben.
Dresden, Hilscher 1823. 4to. 312 pp. (of 318: lacking pp. 265 – 269), 48, (4) Ss. 3 engraved plates (without pagination).Contemporary wrappers (rubbed, watermarked, some defects. The volume contains: Part 1 / 1823 (of 2); i.e.: „Mittheilungen“ no. 1 (January, 2) to 66 (June, 2) and no. 68 (June, 7) to 78 (June, 30); no. 67 is omitted; „Literaturblatt zum Merkur“ no. 1-12. „Intelligenzblatt zum Merkur“ no. 1 and 2. The „Merkur“ has been published between 1822 and 1831 / two vols. a year. Browning and staining, last quires water-stained. Kirchner 4784; Diesch 1662
Order no.: 291 / 390,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
PISTORIUS, Wilhelm Friedrich
Lebens-Beschreibung Herrn Gözens von Berlichingen, Zuganannt mit der Eisernen Hand, Eines zu Zeiten Kaysers Maximiliani I. und Caroli V. kühnen und tapfern Reichs-Cavaliers, Worinnen derselbe 1) alle seine von Jugend auf gehabten Fehden, und im Krieg ausgeübte That-Handlungen, 2) seine in dem Bauern-Krieg A. 1525 wiederwillig geleisteten Dienste und dann 3) einige andere, ausserhalb dem Krieg, und denen Fehden, gethane Ritter-Dienste aufrichtig erzelet, und dabey seine erlebte Fatalitäten mit anführet. Mit verschiedenen Anmerkungen erläutert...von Verono Franck von Steigerwald.
Nürnberg, Felßecker 1731. 8vo. (8) lvs., 288, 30 pp., (8) lvs. Engraved and folding frontispiece. Contemporary half vellum(rubbed, stained, spine with tears), handwritten spine label. First edition of Goetz von Berlichingen's autobiography which was one of the most important sources for Goethe when he wrote the play "Goetz von Berlichingen mit der eisernen Hand" Title printed red and black; frontispiece with small tear to lower margin. Both front fly-leaf and title with handwritten inscriptions. Slightly browned throughout, in places damp- or brown-stained. Goed. IV 3, 152, 17, a, alpha, Ulmschneider p. 44 f.; Kippenberg I, 1632.
Order no.: 278 / 1500,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[German literature, first editions, autobiographies]
RABIOSUS, Anselmus d. J. (= Rebmann, A. G. F.):
Wanderungen und Kreuzzüge durch einen Theil Deutschlands.
Altona, in Commission bei der Verlagsgesellschaft 1796. 8vo. 270 pp. Contemporary boards. Holzm./Bohatta 226. 2nd enlaged edition.
Order no.: 235 / sold
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[German literature]
Revolutions-Almanach von 1795.
Göttingen, Dieterich (1794). 8vo. Engraved title, VI, (2) pp. 340 pp. (of 342: lacking 1 leaf "Erklärung der Kupfer"). With 18 engraved plates (12 of them numbered) and 1 unnumb. supplement leaf. Contemporary boards (defective). Köhring 98 (only with 17 plates); Lanck./Rümann 18. A few leaves loose, throughout browned and water-stained.
Order no.: 236 / 90,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[Literature, Almanacs]
[Goetheana, translations, Werther]
(RIEBE): Über die Leiden des jungen Werthers. Gespräche.
Berlin, Decker 1775.
8vo. 76 pp., (2) lvs. (blank). Modern boards, orig. wrappers preserved and bound in. First edition. A product of the "Werther fever", polemizing particularly against Werther’s suicide at the end of Goethe’s novel. In good condition. Goed. IV 3, 182, 11.
Order no.: 238 / 200,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
(SALMON, Thomas)
Lo stato presente di tutti i paesi e popoli del mondo ... Volume VI. Della Turchia, della Caldeia, dell’ Assiria, Mesopotamia, Siria, Palestina, Georgia, Isole de Cipro, Rodi. Edizione Seconda.
Venice, G. Alberizzi 1738. Vol. VI of the whole set.
4to. (8) lvs., 671 pp., (1) p. (blank). Engraved title, 3 folded engr. maps, 14 engr. Plates (folded); the engravings are not included into the pagination. Thus complete.
Contemp. vellum (stained, browned) with gilt-stamped spine label.
Second Italian edition.
Thomas Salmon (1679 – 1767) was a successful author on historical and cultural subjects. His "Modern history" is considered to be his most popular work and was translated into Dutch and Italian language.
The maps show Europe, Arabia and Asia, the plates contain views of towns (f.e. Jerusalem, Smyrna), famous buildings (pyramids, lighthouse of Alexandria, Colossus of Rhodes) and historical and cultural scenes.
All maps are well preserved (with fold creases only); the plates slightly stained, some with small marginal tears. A slightly browned, in places a little bit stained copy.
Order no..: 712 / 700,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
SCHELLING, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph:
Einleitung in die Philosophie der Mythologie.
Stuttgart / Augsburg, Cotta 1856 (= Sämtl. Werke, II. Abt., 1. Bd.). 4to. (2) lvs. (first blank), XII, 590 pp., (1) leaf. New half cloth, orig. wrappers bound in. Goed. V, 11, 27. First edition. Some damp staining.
Order no.: 239 / 260,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[Theology, philosopy, first editions]
SCHELLING, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph:
Philosophie der Mythologie.
Stuttgart / Augsburg, Cotta 1857 (= Sämtl. Werke, II. Abt., 2 Bd.). 4to. 14 (of 16) pp. (lacking 1st title), 686 pp., (1) leaf. 1 engraved table. Contemporary half calf. Goed. V, 11, 27. First edition. 1 leaf misbound, some staining.
[Philosophy, theology, first editions]
SCHELLING, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph
Zeitschrift für speculative Physik. Ersten Bandes erstes (-zweites) Heft.
Jena und Leipzig, Gabler 1800. Two parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Title, IV, 268 (recte: 168) pp.; 156 pp., (1) leaf. Contemporary half calf (rubbed, hinges a little bit defective). Schneeberger 60, not at Goedeke. In the following years there have been published a 2nd vol. of this very important romantic periodical and 1 vol. of the "Neue Zeitschrift für speculative Physik". Some damp-staining throughout.
[Romantic, sciences, first editions
SCHILLER, Friedrich (ed.)
Historischer Calender für Damen für das Jahr 1791.
Leipzig, Göschen (1790). 12mo. (44) lvs. (of 50), 386 pp. Engraved frontispiece and 13 (of 15) plates. Missing: The plates referring to the months September and October the calendar-leaves of September, October and November and half of the calendar of August and December, otherwise complete. Contemporary boards (rubbed, book-block going loose). Containing the first part of Schiller's History of the Thirty Years' War in first edition. Variant with 386 lvs. and smaller list of mistakes (see Troemel-Marcuse). 2 plates loose, fly-leaf with ownership inscription. Browned throughout, a small stain in the calendar. Goed. V, 187, 27; Troemel-M. 114; Brieger 2087; Borst 656; Wilp.-G. ²25; Köhring 35; Lanck.-Ruemann 18.
Order no.: 242 / 200,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[Almanacs, German literature, history, first editions]
SCHILLER, Friedrich (ed.).
Historischer Calender für Damen für das Jahr 1792.
Leipzig, Göschen (1791). 12mo. (49) lvs., (32) pp., p. 389 - 472, (22) lvs., LXIV pp., (1) leaf, (7) lvs. (advertisements). Engraved title and 16 plates. Complete. Original green illustrated wrappers (slightly rubbed) gilt edges. First edition of the second part of Schiller's history of the Thirty Years' War. Slightly water-marked, otherwise clean. Troemel-M. 119 (without the advertisements); Brieger records 24 preliminary leaves only.
[Almanacs, German literature, history, first editions]
SCHLEGEL, Friedrich
Über die neuere Geschichte. Vorlesungen gehalten zu Wien im Jahre 1810.
Wien, Schaumburg & Comp. 1811. 8vo. (3) lvs., 564 pp., (1) leaf. Later half cloth. First edition. Some stains. Goed. VI, 24,31.
[History, first editions]
SCHMIDT, Klamer (Ed.).
Klopstock und seine Freunde. Briefwechsel der Familie Klopstock unter sich, und zwischen dieser Familie, Gleim, Schmidt, Fanny, Meta und anderen Freunden. Aus Gleims brieflichem Nachlasse herausgegeben...
Halberstadt, im Bureau für Kunst und Literatur 1810. Two vols. Sm.-8vo. LXIV, 414 pp., (1) leaf; (1) leaf, 396 pp., (1) leaf. Later half calf (slightly rubbed). First edition. End-papers and fly-leaves with brown stains, title vol. 1 with a small paper defect (restored, not affecting text), slightly damp-stained throughout. Goed. IV 1, 162, B, ?; Burkh./N. 106.
Order no.: 247 sold
[German literature, letters, first edit
SEIDA und LANDENSBERG, Franz Eugen Freiherr von
Zweyte Lieferung. Denkbuch der Französischen Revolution. Vom ersten Aufruhr in der Vorstadt St. Antoine den 28. April 1789 bis zum Todestage Ludwig’s XVI. den 21 Jänner 1793. in 42 Kupfern und einem erläuternden Texte. Zweyte Auflage.
Memmingen, Chr. Müller 1816. Oblong-folio. 64 (of 108) pp. and without VI pp. preliminary matter; 23 (of 42) engraved plates (full-page-size); 80 (of 175) pp. and without VI pp. preliminary matter, 21 (of 42) engraved plates (full-page-size). Contemporary wrappers (a small portion of the woodcut border cut away), stained, darkened, marginal defects. In part second edition. The volume contains more or less a half of the first and second part of this illustrated book on French revolution. The first part of the book is second edition, the edition of the second part is unsure. Light browning and staining.
Order no.: 707 120,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[Illustrated books, French revolution]
SULZER, Johann Georg:
Theorie und Praktik der Beredsamkeit.
München, Joseph Lentner 1786. Two parts in 1 vol. 8vo. (11) lvs., pp. (3)-256; (4) lvs., pp. (1)-184. Engraved frontispiece, 7 small woodcuts. Contemporary blind-stamped calf (hinges restored). First edition. Very rare. Lightly stained. Not at Goedeke etc.
Order no.: 248 / 550,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[Rhetoric, first editions]
(Thümmel, Moritz August von)
Die Inoculation der Liebe. Eine Erzählung.
Leipzig, Weidmanns Erben und Reich 1771. 8vo. (1) leaf, 70 pp. Frontispiece, title-vignette and cul-de lampe all engraved by Geyser after Oeser. Later boards (slightly rubbed), gilt spine label. First edition. The illustrations in this copy would appear to be in an early state, and not recorded by some authorities (cf. Deusch in: Philobiblon 10 (1966) H. 1. p. 7 and figs. 12 – 14 or Oehler in: Jahrbuch d. Sammlung Kippenberg 5 (1925). p. 88.). For example, the frontispiece lacks the foliage arrangement, and the loving couple are in mirror image, the face of the snake charmer on the title page is less heavily accentuated and the branches of the tree somewhat simpler, and in the final vignette parts of the scenery disappear into the tree foliage. Apparently it would seem that this copy was a proof copy, whose unsatisfactory illustrations led to corrections. Slightly browned throughout (frontispiece and title more intensively), first and last leaved browned at inner margins. Book-block slightly broken, last leaves with worm-track to inner margins. A good copy with very rare engravings. Goed. IV 1, 582, 3; Borst 231 (mentioning zwo different title vignettes); Brieger 1315; Rümann 1148; Lanck./Oehler II, S. 195; Wilp./G. ²2; Hayn-G. III, 433 and VII, 648.
Order no.: 272 / 490,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[Illustrated books, German literature]
Gedichte und Dramen. Volksausgabe. Erster ( - Dritter) Band.
Stuttgart, Cotta 1863. Three vols. bound in 1. Sm.-8vo. Title, XIV, 277 pp., (1) p. (blank); VIII, 403 pp., (1) p. (blank); (4) lvs., 259 pp., (1) p. (blank). Contemporary gilt stamped cloth. (rubbed). Goed. VIII, 240, 66 a. First posthumous edition. Lightly browned, a very clean copy.
[German Literature, find bindings]
Voss, Johann Heinrich.
Theokritos (.) Bion und Moschos.
Tübingen, Cotta 1808. 8vo. (2) lvs., p. (3) - (395), (3) pp. Contemporary marbled boards (rubbed). First edition of this translation. Lacking front fly-leaf. Title with hand-written monogram, half title with ownership entry. A few lvs. with underlinings, throughout slightly stained (the last 2 lvs. more intensively), outer margins browned. Goed. IV1, 1074, 39; Borst 1083; Schweiger I, 313; Brieger 2421; Wilp./G. ²32. Not with Hoffmann.
Order no.: 251 / 180,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E] / Europe 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter[E] / World 9,15 EUR reg. letter [S], 12,12 EUR expr. letter [E])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[German literature, translations]
WIELAND, C(hristoph) M(artin).
Geheime Geschichte des Philosophen Peregrinus Proteus. Erster ( - Zweyter) Theil.
Karlsruhe, Chr. G. Schmieder 1791. 8vo. 14, 222, 293 pp., (1) p. (blank). Two engraved frontispieces (copie of H. Lip’s illustrations of the 1791 Goeschen edition. New half calf (slightly rubbed, 2 gilt-stamped spine labels. Reprint of the first edition. Front fly leaf with entries and remains of an ex-libris, slightly browned and stained throughout. Goed. IV 1, 567, 153; Günther/Zeilinger 552; Deusch 48 b; Breitenbruch 59, 4.5
[German literature, Wieland]
WINKELMANN (Winckelmann), Giovanni [= Johann Joachim].
Storia delle arti del disegno presso gli antichi ...Tradotta dal tedesco con note originali degli editori. Tomo primo ( - tomo secondo).
Milano, Monastero di S. Ambrogio Maggiore 1779. 4to. LXIV, 347; 355, (5) pp. 18 engraved plates (6 fold.), numerous text engravings, medallions and vignettes. Modern cloth. First Italian edition of Winckelmann’s main work “Geschichte der Kunst des Altertums”. Johann Joachim Winckelmann (b. 1717 in Stendal, he was murdered in Trieste while on his way back to Vienna from Rome in 1768) is considered the founder of modern Archeology and comparative art history. After studying Theology and Medicine and a number of years as private tutor, Winckelmann became secretary and librarian to Graf Brünau in Nötheniz, near Dresden, in 1748, with the task of collecting material for the Graf's planned history of the Roman Empire. Hence, his first intensive contact with ancient history took place in Dresden. In 1755 he published the „Gedanken über die Nachahmung der Griechischen Werke in der Mahlerey und Bildhauer-Kunst“ and in the same year moved to Rome where he worked as a librarian and from 1763 he was President of the Antiquities in the library of the Vatican. From his comprehensive studies of ancient art in Rome, Florence and Naples emerged, amongst other works, his „Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums“ (2 parts, 1764). „The only way for us to become great or even, where posssible, unique, is to copy the ancients, and what is said of Homer, that whosoever learned to admire him, who learned to understand him, is also valid for the art of the ancients, and especially that of the ancient Greeks.“ These words of Winckelmann's were the motto for a complete epoch; imitation to be understood in the style of Cicero, that understanding of prior examples represented a particular level of education, which then enabled one to produce their own creative work. This appropriation of the antique world, so important for the times, took place „through his (Winckelmanns) eyes, and his influence was perceptible throughout the 19th century“ (Ueding). Crisp copy on strong, light blue paper (last 63 lvs. of vol. 2 on different paper and browned) with wide margins. Stamp to half-title of vol. 1.Goed. IV/1, 301, 12; Graesse VII, 461; Brunet V, 1463; Cicognara 59.
Order no.: 282 / 1300,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
ZANOTTO (Zanotti), Eustachio
Ephemerides motuum caelestium es anno 1775 in annum 1786 ad meridianum Bononiae es Halleii tabulis supputatae ...
Bologna, Laelii 1774.
4to. (2) lvs., pp. III – VII, (1) p. (blank), 384 pp. Frontipiece, title-vignette and 3 folded maps, all engraved.
Contemp. leather (heavily rubbed, spine with leather defects, bottom of spine edges and joints defective), gilding on spine, spine label (formerly gilt-stamped).
The last one of 3 volumes on this subject by Zanotti.
Eustachio Zanotti (Bologna 1709 – Bologna 1789), was secretary of the Instituto delle Scienze in Bologna und from 1739 director of the observatory. His membership in the Academies of Science in London, Berlin, Naples and Padua demonstrate his international reputation. P. Matteucius continued Zanotti's work.
The past-down endpapers consist of marbled paper. Ownership note on title; title more heavily water-stained, otherwise a clean, minor browned copy. Poggendorff II, 1394; Houzeau-Lanc. 15 537.
Order no.: 709 / 900,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[History of Art, classics]