... Epigrammatum libri tres.
Dillingen, Melchior Algeyer 1620.
12vo. (4) lvs., 224 pp., (7) pp. (of 9: lacking the last leaf of the index); without the last four blank leaves.
Contemp. vellum (darkened, rubbed, corners and edges defective, without vellum on spine, c. three quarters of the front part loose).
First edition; very rare.
Front and rear paste-down endpapers defective. Slightly browned throughout, minor stained. Many leaves with marginal paper defects or tears (text not touched); a lot of corners with creases.
Dünnhaupt 2, 19.1; VD17 14:641818Y (3 copies); not in Faber du Faur.
Order no.: 669 / 800,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[Jesuits, Counter Reformation]
Discours de la Methode pour bien conduire sa raison, & chercher la verité dans les Sciences. Plus La Dioptrique, les Meteores, la Mechanique, et la Musique, Qui sont des essais de cette Methode...
Paris, Angot 1668.
4to. 303 [misnumbered; recte: 305] pp., (23) pp., 127 pp., (1) p. With repeated printer’s divice and many woodcut diagrams. Contemporary leather (spine renewed [using the original material], corners restored), spine gilt, gilt stamped title to spine.
Third edition of the discours, édition originale de la Méchanique, 1st French edition of the theory of music. Guibert listed this edition of the Discours as being the third; he did not take into account the edition of 1657, which is only known through 2 examples.
The first edition of the Discours le la methode published in 1637 - publication was anonymous, not least as a result of the sentence against Galileo of 1632 – which is acknowledged as being the first scientific-philosophic work written in French. It forms, at the same time, the basis for rationalistic mechanism in the 18th century as well as for later scientific models. By way of critical discussion of mainstream philosophical tradition in the Discours he presents the "individualist gesture" in contrast to this tradition: in the "World as a Book" the reflective individual finds the rules concerning this world and of thought. La Dioptrique, les Meteores, la Mechanique and also the theories of music are applications of the methodological discussion. In 1618 Descartes had written the compendium musicae for the mathematician Isaak Beekmann and had presented him with the manuscript, together with his request that he keep it a secret; he arranged for its first publication in 1650. Descartes is regarded as the founder of "rationalised theory of emotions "; music can create emotions (in this context he was preoccupied with the degree of consonants in the major third and syncopation), knowledge of musical theory allows one the possibility of being able to control these emotions. These aspects are then pursued in more detail in “Passions de l'âme”.
Original end-papers preserved and bound in, new ones added. Front fly-leaf (old one) with old ownership entry. Slightly browned, some lvs. more heavily, minor spotting. A good copy.
Guibert 18/4, 215 und 185/5; Tchemerzine IV, 312 (La Mechanique).
[Philosophy, sciences, theory of music, Enlightenment]
Manes ab ipsomet defensi...Querela Apologetica ad Amplissimum Magistratum Ultrajectinum, Quâ technae, calumniae, mendacia, falsorum testimonium fabricae, aliaque crimina Voetiorum & Dematii, plene reteguntur. Opusculum antea ineditum, nunc verò opponendum quotidianis Voetii & Voetianorum criminationibus... emiserunt.
Vristadii, apud Lancellotum Misopodem...1656. Sm.-4to. (2) lvs., 28 pp. With woodcut vignette to title.
First separate edition, very rare.
(BOUND WITH:) DESCARTES, R.: Musicae compendium. Amsterdam, J. Janssonius 1656. Sm.-4to. (2) lvs., 34 pp., (1) leaf. (blank). Title with woodcut vignette. 2nd (?) edition, earlier than the 1st French one (Guibert records editions Amsterdam 1653 and Utrecht 1656 but he doesn’t know any copy of these editions).
(BOUND WITH:) DESCARTES, R.: Tractatus de homine, et de formatione foetus. Quorum prior Notis perpetuis Ludovici de la Forge, M.D. illustratur. Amsterdam, Elzevier 1677. Sm.-4to. (38) lvs., 239 pp., (1) p. (blank). Printer’s device, c. 50 diagrams, all in woodcut. 5th Latin edition, 1st of Claude Clerselier’s translation.
Contemporary leather (slightly rubbed, head and foot of spine, corner, edges heavily rubbed, front joint partly broken), spine gilt, gilt stamped title to spine, small modern spine library label.
I: In this short piece written in 1645, directed at the Magistrate of Utrecht, Descartes defends himself and his theories against the accusations made by Voetius and Dematius. Gisbert Voetius, an influential Calvinist preacher in Utrecht, had claimed that the meditationes de prima philosophia represented opinions of atheism.
II: In 1618 Descartes had written the compendium musicae for the mathematician Isaak Beekmann and had presented him with the manuscript, together with his request that he keep it a secret; he arranged for its first publication in 1650. Descartes is regarded as the founder of "rationalised theory of emotions"; music can create emotions (in this context he was preoccupied with the degree of consonants in the major third and syncopation), knowledge of musical theory allows one the possibility of being able to control these emotions. These aspects are then pursued in more detail in Passions de l'âme.
III: " Descartes developed his ideas concerning the physiology of man in detail primarily in Traité de l'homme, the discourse on man, first published 12 years after his death in Holland but translated into Latin and 14 years after his death published in France in the original French. This book explains the human body as a machine ... purely mechanical down to the tiniest detail. Walking and swallowing, taste and smell, hearing and holding, digestion and sight – everything can be physically explained in this system, without requiring the hypothesis, which – following Descartes - does not explain anything but which simply leads to a mystification for the scientist of the so-called organisms, that in biology there exist both ‚Soul' and ‚Life', neither of which can be explained through the laws governing the anorganic world. Almost every physiological thesis,...that one finds in Descartes, has been found to be false; but seldom were mistakes so productive: medical progress was made by way of Cartesianism" (R. Specht, Descartes. Reinbeck 81998, p. 112).
Slightly browned throughout (some lvs. heavily), somewhat brown-stained.
I: Guibert 191; not in Tchemerzine. II: Guibert 184,4; MGG 3, Coll. 209/10; Tchemerzine IV, 307. III: Guibert 202, 6; Willems 1531.
Order no.: 604 / 4350,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
ERASMUS (of) Rot (terdam), Des(iderius): (Greek:) Morias egkomion. Stvltitiae laus ... Declamatio, Cum commentariis Ger. Listrii & figuris Jo. Holbenii. E codice Academiae Basiliensis...
Basle, J. R. Genath 1676.
8vo. (40) lvs., 336 pp., (6) lvs. Additional engraved title, vignette on printed title, 4 full-page plates (1 portrait of Erasmus, his epitaph, both after Holbein, 2 portraits of Holbein, 81 text engravings, all or most of them after Holbein (6 pasted and folded as a strip). All plates engraved by Caspar Merian. Head- and tail-pieces. Thus complete. 18th century leather (front joint broken, rear joint, corners and edges rubbed), spine gilt, gilt-stamped spine label. First edition with these illustrations. The schoolmaster Oswald Myconius of Basel introduced Holbein, when he visited Basel in the summer of 1515, to Froben, who in the same year had published a "Laus stultitiae" edition; in Myconius' own copy of this edition can be found the famous marginal drawings which formed the model from which the illustrations in our edition were engraved (the original is today in the collection of Basel city council). Credit for the drawings is not always constant (A. Schmid attributes at least 78-79 of the 82 illustrations to Hans Holbein [commentary to a facsimile-edition, Basel 1931]). "One sees at first glance that these marginal drawings have been casually carrried out, but with an attempt to reflect the mocking spirit of the author, Erasmus. Wenn wir in diesen überwiegend übermütigen Bildglossen hier und da Verzeichnungen unschwer erkennen, then we should keep in mind that these were the work of an 18-19 year old apprentice, who was not borne down with the weight of a commission. Holbein would have to work at himself considerably before he could dare to attempt the carefully deliberated illustrations of Death (approx. 1523. On the other hand, the critical eye for human folly in all its forms is astounding in such a young artist. The humor of the illuminator is unmistakeable, and the most interesting thing about these pen and ink drawings is the inspired wit based on incidental comments of Erasmus" (H. Kunze. Gesch. d. Buchill. in Dtl. im 16. u. 17. Jh. p. 10). Two of the originals are not found in this edition, and one with two figures has been split into two. "Lob der Torheit" stands as a unique example of its style, as Erasmus has chosen not to adopt the clear moralistic approach as found in other satires on fools (foolishness vs. cleverness), but differentiates "folly": this is just as much a part of life, "bearer of human life and human happiness" and can lead to weakness and to negative estimation. The criteria for this appraisal " are life and happiness of the individual, not moral or religious standards" (both quotations from Bachorski/Röcke in Glaser, Deutsche Literatur, Vol. 2, pp. 209/210). Front end-paper with a large engraved bookplate (Arenberg library; see Laloire, E.: Généalogie de la Maison...d’Arenberg. Bruxelles 1940. p. 7/8), rear end-paper with another bookplate. Slightly browned throughout (some lvs, end-papers and fly-lvs. more), somewhat stained. Printed title with small worm-track (restored), a few lvs. with marginal paper defects (all not touching text / engravings). Some plates printed less clear. VD17, 39:141344Z; v.d. Haeghen I, 125; Graesse II, 495; Brunet II, 1037; Thieme / Becker XVII, 355 (Holbein) and XXIV, 413 (K. Merian).
GLAUBER, Johann Rudolph.
Furni novi philosophici, sive descriptio artis destillatoriae novae; nec non Spirituum, Oleorum Florum, aliorumque Medicamentorum illius beneficio, facillimâ quâdam 6 peculiari viâ è vegetabilibus, animalibus & mineralibus, conficiendorum & quidem magno cum lucro; agens quoque de illorum usu tam chymico quàm medico...
Amsterdam, J. Janssonius 1658. Sm.-8°. 67, (5) pp. (penultimate and last blank). With 1 engraved and folded plate.
(BOUND WITH:) GLAUBER: Furnorum philosophicorum pars altera, In qua Describitur secundae fornacis proprietas; cuius beneficio destillari possunt omnia volatilia, subtilia & combustibilia; vegetabilia, animalia & mineralia; viâ quâdam incognitâ hactenus & compendiosâ; quâ nihil perditur omninò, sed spiritus etiam subtilissimi capiuntur, quod aliàs per retortas, aliaque vasa fieri nequit.
Amsterdam, J. Janssonius 1658. Sm.-8°. 148, (4) pp.
(BOUND WITH:) GLAUBER: Furnorum philosophicorum pars tertia jn qua Describitur tertiae fornacis natura , cujus beneficio & quidem absque vesicis & ahenis; aliisque cupreis, ferreis, stannejs & p]umbejs jnstrumentis, fpiritus varii vegetabiles ardentes.extracta,.olea. salia. &c. Adminiculo autem exigui alicujus inftrumenti cuprei, vasorumque ljgneorum , ad usus tam chymicos quàm medjcos praeparari possunt.
Amsterdam, J. Janssonius 1658. Sm.-8°. 55 pp. With 2 engraved and folded plates.
(BOUND WITH:) GLAUBER: Fornacum philosophicarum pars quarta, Continens Descriptionem Fornacis Quartae, cuius beneficio Mineralia & Metalla probantur & examinantur viâ quâdam compendiosiore, quàm hactenus modo illo vulgari; item Metallorum separationem vi fusionis; aliaque necessaria vi fusionis perpetranda. Utilißima Chymicis, Mineralium probatoribus & fossoribus. Amsterdam, J. Janssonius 1658. Sm.-8°. 83, (5) pp. (the last 3 blank). With a full-page woodcut.
(BOUND WITH:) GLAUBER: Fornacum philosophicarum pars quinta. Ubi agitur de natura Quintae Fornacis mirabili; ut & de instrumentorum & materialium ad praedictos 4. Furnos pertinentium, praeparatione facili. Utilißima Medicinae Hermeticae sectatoribus (-appendix).
Amsterdam, J. Janssonius 1651. Sm.-8°. 54 pp., (1) leaf (blank). With 7 – in part full-page – woddcuts.
(BOUND WITH:) GLAUBER: Annotationes in appendicem quintae Partis Fornacum Philosophicarum, ubi de variis agitur Secretis utilissimis, optimis & incognitis, incredulorum & naturalium Secretorum ignarorum gratiâ publicatae. Amsterdam, J. Janssonius 1658. Sm.-8°. 72 pp.
Contemporary calf (rubbed, spine defective). 6 parts in 1 vol.
Second Latin edition (Part I – IV, “Annotationes”), part 5 first one. Rare to find it complete with all plates.
Glauber’s main work on chemistry, mineralogy etc.
Browned throughout, slim upper margins (affecting in places the head-line). Some browning and damp-staining throughout.
Dünnhaupt 7.II.2 (part V: 7. II. 1). Sotheran I, 1560 (incompl.). Relating to the edition 1651 see Ferguson 324. Not in Duveen.
Order no.: 154 / 2200,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 67,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
OPITZ, Martin.
Weltliche Poemata(.) Zum Viertenmal vermehret vnd vbersehen herraus geben.
Frankfurt, Götz 1644. Two parts (part I no date, part II dated). 8vo. (15) ll. (of 16: lacking the engraved title), 573, (3) pp. (last 3 blank); Title (in an ornamental border), pp. 3-464 (irregularly paginated). 4th edition. (BOUND WITH:) OPITZ, Martin: Florilegium variorum epigrammatum. Mart. Opitius ex vestustis ac recentioribus Poetis congessit & versibus Germanicis reddidit. Frankfurt, Hoffmann for Götz 1644. 8°. 46 pp., (1) l. (blank). 3rd legitimated edition. (BOUND WITH:) OPITZ, Martin: Geistliche Poemata, Von jhm selbst anjetzo zusammengelesen verbessert vnd absonderlich herauß gegeben. (Breslau), Müller's heirs 1638. 8°. 408 pp. First edition of this collection. Contemporary vellum (browned and stained). Opitz marks one of the most important steps of the emancipation of the German language from Latin as a poetical and literary language. Browned throughout, some worming in the margins (only casually affecting text), some water-staining. A decent copy. I: VD17 23:248407K; Dünnhaupt 9; Faber du Faur I, 228; Goed. III, 49, 94. II: VD17 23:248467Y; Dünnhaupt 186.I.4; Faber du Faur I, 225; Goed. III, 49, 85 c. III: VD17 23:248451W; Dünnhaupt 5.I; Faber du Faur I, 223; Goed. III, 49, 84 b.
Order no.: 132 / 820,00 EUR
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
REGINO of Prüm (Prumiensis)- HILDEBRAND, Joachim
De disciplina ecclesiastica veterum, praesertim Germanorum Libri duo, Quorum alter CLERICOS, alter LAICOS informat...Nunc primum vetusto membranaceo MS Bibliothecae Iuliae typis excusi... (hg. von Joachim Hildebrand).
Helmstedt, H. Müller 1659. 4to. (201) lvs. (instead of 193: gatherings Ii und Kk are bound in twice). In addition to the collation in VD 17 (189 lvs.) our copy contains a quire 1Hh 4 with excerps of the regulations of the council of Tolego regarding the position of the Juifs in the society. In a preface to the readers the editor explains that these parts he didn’t find in two manuscripts (neither in the Helmstädter nor in the Mainzer), only in a third one (from Vienna) he had found them. (BOUND WITH): HILDEBRAND, Joachim: De natalitiis veterum sacris et profanis libellus i natalem octogesimum tertiam Principis supra laudem positi Augusti Ducis Brunsv. et Luneb. .Helmstedt, H. Müller 1661. 4to. (2) lvs., 89, (3) pp. (BOUND WITH): HILDEBRAND, Joachim: ... De nuptiis veterum christianorum libellus. Helmstedt, H. Müller 1661. 4to. (68) lvs. (BOUND WITH): HILDEBRAND, Joachim: Veteris ecclesiae, martyrum inprimis et SS. patrum Ars bene moriendi variis circa aegrotos sacris antiquitatibus, et morientium dictis factisque memorabilibus, cum tota veterum circa moribundos praxi... Helmstedt, H. Müller 1661. 4to(4) lvs., 232 pp., (8) lvs. (BOUND WITH): HILDEBRAND, Joachim: ... De priscae et primitivae Ecclesiae sacris publicis, templis et diebus festis. Enchiridion collectum ... Helmstedt, H. Müller 1652.4to. (40) lvs. 18th century vellum (darkened, stained, rear board mater.marked), blind-stamped rules to leading edges (probably in the original status the book contained more texts; when these habe been removed, the spine was opened and very professionally closed, but the spine wasn’t shortened, and as a result the rules on the rear boards are in a wrong position), hand-written title to spine, library number; lacking ties. I: First edition; thus complete very rare. II: First edition, one of 4 issues in VD17 (there with wrong collation). III: First edition, one of 3 issues in VD17. IV: First edition, one of 3 issues in VD17. V: First edition, one of 5 issues in VD17. Joints slightly crashed, worm-tracks to end-papers and front fly leaf; library stamp to front fly leaf, title verso and last leaf recto; old entries referring to Regino and to the hole “Sammelband”.to front fly leaf recto and verso; 1 leaf with restored paper defect (text not touched), 3 lvs. water-stained, in places finger-stained. Some browning throughout, a few gatherings intensively browned. I: VD 17, 1:010449B; Potthast p. 957; Wasserschleben p. XVIII. II: VD 17, 12:171679H (cf. fingerprint and title). III: VD 17, 23:250027U (cf. fingerprint). IV: VD 17, 3:008887R (cf. printing variants). V: VD 17, 3:008903P (cf. printing variants).
SLEIDANUS [i.e. Philippi], Johannes
De quattuor summis imperiis, libri tresin gratiam juventutis confecti: Nunc denuo accurate recogniti, & es veritate historica emendati: Indicatis simul auctorum locis, quibus Sleidanus usus est, & monstratis materiarum sedibus Quibus & studio Henrici Maibomii Poetae Caesarii...
(Wittenberg), A. Boreck for Cl. Berger, 1622. 12mo. (22) lvs., 489 pp., (43) pp. Contemp. vellum (stained), blind-stamped rules to leading edges, hand-written label to spine (defective). Title printed red and black; marginal paper defects (a few letters touched), sightly browned throughout, but clean. V. d. Vekene (Sleidanus) D/a 023 (with 5 copies only); VD17 12:207023C.
( Zeiller, M. ) - Merian, Matthäus jun.
Topographia Electorat(us) Brandenburgici et Ducatus Pomeraniae etc. das ist Beschreibung der Vornembsten bekantisten Stätte und Plätz in dem hochlöblichsten Churfürstenthum und March Brandenburg; und dem Hertzogtum Pom(m)eren, zusampt einem doppelten Anhang, Vom Lande Preußen und Pomorellen Von Lifflande unnd selbige beruffenisten Orten...
( Frankfurt ), Matth. Merian heirs (1652). Folio. Engraved title, printed title, 120 pp., (7) pp.(lacking at the beginning 4 pp. dedication); printed title, 53 , (3) pp.; printed Title, 36, (3) pp., (1) p. (blank). With 4 maps and 103 engravings on 69 plates, in part in double-page size or folded (of 70 plates with 104 engravings: the second view of Stralsund is omitted). 18th century vellum (some staining). First edition. Ex-libris removed from front paste-down. Map “Brandenburg” with small lateral defects, map “Pommern” with slim lower margin (illustration very little touched), 1 plate with paper defect (loss of a part of imagine), 5 plates with slim margins (engravings slightly affected), 1 plate with erasing (no loss). Slightly browned and stained throughout. VD 17, 23:230371R; Wüthrich IV, 57.
Order no.: 164 / 6200,00 EUR
shipping included
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (Standard), 1-3 working days (Priority) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
Il perfetto leggendario della vita, e fatti di N. Sig. Giesu Christo e di tutti i santi ...
Venice, Milochi 1659.
4to. (12) lvs., 773 pp., (3) pp. (blank). With title-vignette and smaller woodcuts.
(Bound with:) VILLEGAS (SELVAGO), Alonso: Leggendario delle vite de Santi detti Extravaganti...
Venice, Milochi 1659. 4to. 208 pp. With title-vignette and smaller woodcuts.
Contemp. vellum (browned, stained, pale), without ties.
Translation into Italian language from Villegas' "Flos Sanctorum".
Alonso de Villegas Selvago (1533 - 1603), professor of theology in his native town Toledo, created a very popular translation of Jacobus de Voragine's "Legenda Aurea" into Spanish language with his "Flos Sanctorum". For the first time it appeared at the end of the 16th century. More often published in the 17th century it was enlarged and translated ino other languages.
Title printed red and black, with handwritten ownership entry (Monastery Wiblingen). Moderately browned throughout (some gatherings more intensively); in places with stains.
plus shipping (Domestic: 4,25 EUR [Standard], 19,90 EUR [Priority] / EU 14,99 EUR [S], 78,90 EUR [P] / Europe 28,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P] / World 34,99 EUR [S], 97,90 EUR [P])
Delivery time: Domestic: 2-5 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / EU: 3-6 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / Europe: 3-7 working days (S), 1-3 working days (P) / World 10-21 working days (S), 5 -10 working days (P)
[Hagiography, legends of the saints]