Welcome to Buechel-Baur - Antiquarian Book Dealers
Our establishment is active in two main sectors of the antiquarian book market: on the one hand we offer printed works of the 15th to 19th centuries; and our second key area is that of music. Thorough descriptions of works offered is an absolute necessity for us, and as Members of the German Antiquarian Booksellers Association (VDA) as well as of the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) we have chosen to adhere to the rules of ethics of these associations which require us to observe strict rules when working with old books in the interests of purchasers and of our customers.
We regard old books as part of our historical heritage, and which give us information today about earlier ages and which should survive with as little intervention as possible; that means that, whenever possible, we do without the services of restoration. However, should this be necessary for the purpose of preservation then this is carried out for us by professional and fully-qualified expert workshops.
Antique books are a collection of text, print, paper, binding (and possibly illustrations) and never cease to amaze us through the handcraftsmanship, precision and love of detail with which they were produced as today we are used to completely different technical possibilities; this is especially true for incunabula (printed books up to 1500) and their individual arrangement which reflect the taste, preferences and financial resources of the original owner. For these reasons we feel that we have an obligation to offer as many of our books as possible in their original condition, i.e. in their original binding, and we are especially pleased with each book where we can set in the cultural context of its time in our descriptions.
We regularly pick out a special book to present on our Website. This book, with more detailed description and with more illustrations than is generally possible in our catalogue, is changed at regular intervals.
We are happy to show our books and sheet music – by prior appointment - in our firm premises.